The carpet is panoramic, evocative of the conquests of Humanity, homage to the dream worlds of a visionary
Jules Verne.
From Catherine Gran we know the extreme delicacy of her work in pen and Indian ink which translates a dreamlike universe, tinged with humor and poetry, inspired by a 19th century Darwinist, borrowed from wealth prolific of a cabinet of curiosities, inspired by Lewis Caroll, Jules Verne or Georges Méliès.
Each of carpet arouses amazement on the gaze, jubilant about the smallest details that are revealed only to those who know how to take the time to explore.
With Onirismes, Catherine Gran has imagined for Codimat Collection a series of rugs that open the way to a fantastic world, on the edge of Wonderland.
«20,000 leagues under the sea»

In the silence of a slow aquatic dance, interweave algae, fish and creatures of the depths.
“The cosmic dream”

Before Man has finished crisscrossing the sky map with his reason, Catherine Gran reinvents Voyage to the Moon … light and poetic, our gaze riveted on the twinkling of the stars !

63-65 rue du Cherche-Midi
75006 Paris
+33 1 45 44 68 20
Rue de la Régence 11
1000 Bruxelles – Belgique
+32 2 687 80 74
123 557 Mocow, Russia
Ulitsa Klimashkina, 19
+ 7 495 663 52 68